Caring For The Diabetic Eyes: What You Need To Know

If you have already been diagnosed with diabetes, you have to take great care of many of your organs, including your eyes. Patients with undiagnosed and untreated diabetes can go blind, and even those who regularly watch their blood sugar and treat their diabetes can go blind if they are not careful enough. One specific condition, diabetic macular edema, or DME for short, is key in the loss of your vision. Here are some of the treatments for this very specific disease that affects some patients with diabetes. [Read More]

Three Smartphone Features For People With Vision Impairment

If you are developing or have developed vision problems, you will find it difficult to use your phone with ease. Fortunately, there are assistive technologies that can help you overcome such problems. Here are three examples of phone features that can help you overcome such problems: Screen Magnification All the major smartphones have integrated screen magnification settings that you can use to magnify objects on the screen so that they become visible. [Read More]

3 Things Every Person Needs to Know About Caring for Their Contacts

If you wear contacts, it is incredibly important that you know how to properly care for them. If you fail to use your contacts correctly, you could cause long-term problems with your eyes that cannot be corrected later. This is why you should always follow your eye doctor's instructions when caring for your contacts. Here are some things you need to know about taking care of contacts. 1. Wear the Right Contacts for Your Eyes [Read More]

Contact Wearing Mistakes To Avoid If You Want To Prevent An Eye Infection

If you have recently spoken to your optometrist about switching from glasses to contact lenses, then you may be ready to jump right in and start wearing your contact lenses daily. However, you should know that there is a small risk of developing a bacterial eye infection when you start using contacts. The most common type of infection is called keratitis, and this is an infection that involves the cornea. Bacterial eye infections can be quite uncomfortable, and the lack of hygiene can cause the problem. [Read More]